Social Awareness - The Durex Si Campaign

The Durex team was preparing for a global roll-out for the messaging app partnered with Facebook called, Si (Sexual Intelligence). The app was geared towards their target market, Gen-Z and was designed to answer anonymous questions and provide sexual wellness tips for teens in a somewhat private and contained way. As part of the Content Studio with Dragons, I was tasked to work with the design team to create a leaflet for a displayed created for Walmart. The copy created was then to be sectioned off to create shelf-talkers and other campaign components to support the rollout.

Below is a layout of the copy used for the campaign.

Front panel 

sex is often in the moment
leaves a lasting impression
can spread disease if unprotected

Left inside panel

The facts: 

  • Young people ages 15-24 account for 50% of new STDs

  • These new cases increase by 30%

  • Many STDs show no symptoms until they’ve attacked your body in some form

Scary? Absolutely! 
But… there’s a prevention method that’s 99.99% accurate.


Believe it or not, condoms they are the best course of action to prevent unwanted STDs. Protection is key and being equipped with the right tools to make the best choices is even more important. 

Not sold yet? Here’s a few more facts:

  • 1-in-2 people who are sexually active will contract an STD by age 25.

  • Chlamydia takes the lead with being the most common STD, having more than 1.7m cases as of 2017. 

  • Gonorrhea diagnoses have increased nearly 67% overall as of 2017, is nearly doubled among men and continues to rapidly increase with women over the last three years.

Cancer, infertility and long-term abdominal pain are among the most notable side-effects of untreated Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

Middle panel

Of course, none of that sounds fun, but not using a condom increases the risk of these side-effects taking away your right to choose and that’s most important. Without the right information, it’s a challenge to make educated choices. Google isn’t always the greatest help and friends and family are often misinformed. The flood of information gets overwhelming.

No worries, though.

Si, The Sexual Intelligence Guru, is your personalized sexpert ready to answer questions at any given moment. Si answers anonymously, so there’s no need to feel judged or embarrassed. Learn about common STDs, symptoms, the proper way to use a condom, and best sex practices.

Right side panel

Before you can scream “sex positive,” it’s important to understand how the decision to engage in unprotected sex can impact your life. Sex positivity doesn’t just stop at sexual expression and inclusivity, it’s also about making the right choices with how you have sex and safety is always best. Good sex is safe sex and safe sex is protected sex. Be sure you remember the night for the right reasons. You decide. Use condoms.

Back panel

Si, the Sexual Intelligence Guru, is prepared to answer your most confidential questions.

Don’t let condom bias prevent you from having safe sex. Get the answers you need.

Ask Si....
How do I put on a condom?
What’s an STD?
Do cold sores really affect you?
Ways to carry condoms.


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